الأربعاء، 30 مايو 2018

Rice, Apple And Raisin Dressing

                     Rice, Apple And Raisin Dressing               

Recipe By     : 
Serving Size  : 8    Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : 
  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
                        -------seasoning mix--------
   2      teaspoons     salt
   1 1/2  teaspoons     white pepper
   1      teaspoon      garlic powder
   1      teaspoon      dry mustard
   1      teaspoon      ground cayenne pepper
     1/2  teaspoon      black pepper
                        ------rice ingredients------
     1/4  cup           vegetable oil
   1      cup           chopped onions
   1      cup           chopped green bell peppers
     1/2  cup           pecan halves, dry roasted
     1/2  cup           raisins
   4      tablespoons   unsalted butter
   1 1/2  cups          uncooked rice (converted)
   3      cups          beef stock
   2      cups          chopped unpeeled apples

Combine the seasoning mix ingredients in a small bowl and set aside. In a 
2-quart saucepan, heat the oil over high heat until very hot, about 2 
minutes.  Add the onions and bell peppers; saute about 2 minutes, stirring 
occasionally.  Add the pecans (we ran out of pecans, so Lucy substituted 
hickory nuts - good!) and continue cooking for about 3 minutes, stirring 
occasionally.  Add the raisins and butter (these are added together so the 
raisins will absorb as much butter as possible).  Stir until butter is 
melted, then cook until raisins are plump, about 4 minutes, stirring 
occasionally.  Add the rice and seasoning mix and cook until rice starts 
looking frizzly (a bit like rice Krispies)  Chef Prudhomme recommended 
using converted rice.  Lucy used brown, long grain rice - super!.  This 
will require about 2 to 3 minutes, stirring almost constantly before the 
rice looks "frizzly". Stir in the stock, scraping pan bottom well, then 
stir in the apples. Cover pan and bring to boil; lower heat and simmer 
covered for 5 minutes.  Remove from heat and let sit, *COVERED*, until 
rice is tender and stock is absorbed, about 30 minutes.  (We cook the rice 
this slow way to let the flavors build to their maximum.)   Serve 
immediately, allowing about 3/4 cup per person.

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