الخميس، 17 مايو 2018

Meatless "Meatball" Pizza Recipe

"Meatless "Meatball" Pizza"

 Serving Size  : 6     Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Meatless                           

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
              1    Italian bread shell or prepared pizza
                        crust (12 inches in diameter)
     3/4           cup  pizza sauce
                                  2  frozen soybean-based vegetable burgers -- thawed 
            1     tablespoon  grated Parmesan cheese
                   1/2    teaspoon  Italian seasoning -- crumbled
  2   tablespoons  sliced ripe olives
                              1     cup  shredded part-skim or regular Mozzarella
                        cheese (4 ounces)
                         1    cup  shredded Provolone cheese (4 ounces)  

Heat oven to 425º. Place bread shell on ungreased large cookie sheet.
Spread pizza sauce over bread shell. Mix burgers, Parmesan cheese and
Italian seasoning. Shape into 1/2-inch balls. 

Top pizza with burger balls and olives. Sprinkle with cheeses. Bake 18 to
20 minutes or until cheese is melted and light golden brown.


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