الاثنين، 1 يناير 2018

Sassy Southwestern Pork Chops

"Sassy Southwestern Pork Chops"

Recipe By     :
Serving Size  : 4     Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Grilling                        Meat

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
                                                                4   lean pork loin or rib chops -- about 1/4 inch thick (about 1 1/4 pounds)
                                         1     tablespoon  reduced-sodium chicken broth
  1   tablespoon  lime juice
     1/2  teaspoon  chili powder
  1   clove  garlic -- crushed
                        Cilantro-Mint Salsa -- (recipe follows)
                        Salt and pepper to taste
                        CILANTRO-MINT SALSA                 
  1  large  tomato -- seeded and chopped (1 cup)
  1     jalapeño chili -- seeded and finely chopped
  1   tablespoon  chopped fresh cilantro
  1  tablespoon  chopped fresh mint leaves
  1      teaspoon  dried mint leaves
  1     tablespoon  chopped onion
     1/2    teaspoon  lime juice

Place pork in shallow glass or plastic dish or heavy-duty resealable
plastic bag. Mix broth, lime juice, chili powder and garlic; rub on both
sides of pork, using back of spoon. Cover dish or seal bag and refrigerate
at least 1 hour but no longer than 24 hours. 

Prepare Cilantro-Mint Salsa. Heat coals or gas grill. Place pork on grill;
sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cover and grill 4 to 5 inches from medium
heat 8 to 11 minutes, turning frequently, for medium doneness (160º).
Serve with salsa.


Mix all ingredients in glass or plastic bowl. Cover and let stand at least
1 hour before serving.

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